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1. Shopzilla Listings... compare 1 | 2. Listings... compare 3 | 3. Listings... no sir |
4. NexTag Listings... compare 1 | 5. Listings... compare 0 | 6. PriceGrabber Listings... compare 1 |
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1. 4 stars... |
2. doubt it | A. Manufacturer Page... m.i.a. |
... you know how sometimes you're at the computer lab and some chump freshman won't get off myspace so you can check the lotto numbers online... this is PERFECT... blast blast blast... get that mess outta here Jimmy... goodness... USB Missile Launcher sounds amazing... so many possibilities... childish endeavors indeed... launch a USB missle across the room to get the TA Julia to suck an egg and hush it... or whatever you want... that's fine... p.s... i actually woot!ed this one... first ever... i can never impulse buy... but luckily, my hubby can... and he forced me... i think i'll thank him later.
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL Classic Arcade Machines on Shopzilla ... cuz Missile Command is the best game of all time... even if it went out of style before i was born
Refresher: Today's Woot
USB Missile Launcher - $17.99
If this shot real missles, I could aim them at francis.
you're not the real hal... but that might be a fun idea.... much love to francis...
Jessie Wooted??? What's the world coming too. Well, I suppose that's a good thing. Actually, I'm indifferent. The Useful Linkage blog will remain solid, whether you continue wooting or not. Anyways, congrats on the missiles. I'm really upset I missed this one. Perhaps I'll buy one of for like $30. Yeah right.
Alright Jessie, you wooted! That earns you a reprieve. You've put up with my ghey comments long enough, and you stuck it out. Much luv! Now if you'd stop using ellipses...
- Anonymous #1 (The original hater no longer)
That's super sweet of anonymous #1. But for some reason, I still don't trust it. We'll see how this pans out. However, please keep the ellipses. They're cool with me.
The post by anonymous is F-A-K-E. I'm the real anonymous one.
This site is still just too gHeY!
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