Top Comparison Site Rankings: | ||
1. Shopzilla Listings... compare 11 (from $69) | 2. Listings... compare 11 (from $120) | 3. Listings... compare 4 (from $280) |
4. NexTag Listings... compare 6 (from $120) | 5. Listings... compare 8 (from $120) | 6. PriceGrabber Listings... compare 14 (from $120) |
The Online Reviews: | ||
1. 3 stars... |
2. 5.9/10... aka 3 stars probably | A. Manufacturer Page... ut oh. |
... great grad gift for a kid on their way to college in the fall... they'll never know its refubished... unless it has "REFURBISHD" engraved on the side, as some woot!s have... there are literally tons of hp all in one printer reviews on Amazon... so you can trust what they say... they only give this pile a 3 overall... that's why i suggest if you buy, you buy for some punk kid who won't care in the end and probably break it by 2nd semester... hewlett packard all in one printer skills are pretty commendable, but this one's no longer available via their site... so take heed... additionally an hp all in one printer might be more than a lot of people need... but if you want one, this woot! is a good deal... as usuall... hp all in one printer... ahoy!
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL HP Ink Deals on Shopzilla ... cuz if you get the woot!... a deal on ink is crucial
Refresher: Today's Woot
HP Photosmart 3210 All in One Printer, Copier and Scanner - $99.99 (refurbished)
people love to update their pink blogs just when they like it, its just not right.
first off... quit posting as francis when you're not francis... and if you're a different francis, please give a name that indicates you are the other francis... or francis #2... cuz you're not francis... or hal... so quit doing that.
pretty good find on that link you posted in the woot board for the cheaper refurb. not sure what i think of compuvest however. but shopzilla is pretty cool for finding that one when no one else did. know this.
Hey, If my name is francis, give me one good reason not to post as francis. Why don't you ask the other people who are also named as francis to change their names to something else ? Oh, I forgot, you wont do it, because they kiss your rear end on your blog, while I don't ?
Would the real francis please stand up? We're going to have a problem here...
dear fake francis. we all know you're just that same old hater guy who comes around here. no need to try to fool anyone, cuz it does not work. if i were you, i'd just put your name as haterade or something like that so people know who you really are. doesn't matter if you're anonymous #1, #2, #3, fake francis, or fake hal. It's pretty obvious when its you commenting, cuz your'e the official blog hater. we all know this. so quit playin.
Haterade du jour. Definitely. As one of the regular anonymous who enjoys this blog, I'd like to second what the real francis said above. Quit hating. P.S. thanks for that link to CompuVest on the woot board, Jess. I bit. Hope it turns out to be good.
I love all of the guys sharing my same name equally...
Check me out!
btw, the above francis was not me.
omg... how did this francis war start... this is the most rediculous thing i've ever heard of... honestly... cool, kinda... weird, mostly.
first it was hal. THen it was francis. who's next?? Anonymous #2? oh how do i love thee, anonymous #2. Let me count the lame comments.
lame/rude is more like it... darn anonymous #2... almost as much of a hater as anonymous #1 professes to be.
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