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... i know there aren't many... but we DO have a few regulars at this blog... and if any of them know ONE thing about me, its that i LOVE the roomba... the roomba vacuum cleaner is a phenomenon all too welcome in my house... and i believe irobot is one of the best companies around... who wouldn't love a roomba robotic vacuum that's quiet as a mouse, only runs when you tell it too, and never misses a spot... i know some will tell you that their roomba's regularly miss spots... but i have a feeling that they're just not doing it right... so in short... get a roomba... roomba vacuums will save you're life one day... fo sho.
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL RED Roomba's on Shopzilla ... cuz that's what i think you need.
Refresher: Today's Woot
iRobot Roomba Discovery SE - $149.99
Anyone else have one of these products? Though I trust Mrs. Byrd fully, more feedback from real peeps would be helpful. Anything?
I have one... It's okay. I wouldn't say its better than a real vacuum, but it does the job.
does it save you time since you can run it while you're not at home. or do you still spend time inspecting to make sure it didn't miss spots, thus taking just as long?
I find that I spend just as much time. To do a good job, nothing beats vacuuming yourself.
True story. Vacuuming can be fun and is usually therapeutic for me.
way to go frankie boy
btw. i think frankie's a lady name. isn't that what the "IE" at the end indicates? I'm not sure. I don't have a lot of experience with frankies. Am i wrong or right?
I have bought 5 roombas and one scooba. I used one for 6 months then got everyone in my immediate family one. (Scooba is mine, all mine.)
It fluffs the fibers, removes the crumbs, sucks up dust/hair/etc and eventually (used often enough) finds very little to pick up. Did I mention it goes UNDER the bed, under the bookcase, under things that no other vacuum in my house will fit under unless I get on my hands and knees with attachments.
I use the Roomba almost everyday. Do you vacuum your entire home almost everyday? I didn't think so. Neither did I until I got this.
If you have a bad back, very little time or interest in vacuuming, a desire for the clean floors without effort, this is the best money you will ever spend.
I only regretted the time I spent debating with myself whether to get one or not.
C'mon hud, you know that you've *been* with a male "frankie" or two in your lifetime.
They really are great. Personally, I found a ton of good information about the Roomba at the Roomba Message Board
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