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... happy Independence Day kids... exactly 231 years ago, TODAY, will smith and bill pullman kicked some red-coat arse... then jeff goldblum blew it... but don't worry, cuz randy quaid was on the case... he flew a missle straight up the queens bum to finish it off... and now look at where we are as a nation... pretty dang impressive... let's celebrate by underpaying for a not so cool cooler... i have this already... got it for a roadtrip the hubby and i took last summer... if i'm being honest, its decent at best... and that's the truth... though, considering the price... and considering what the CSEs have it listed at... it might be worth it.
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL Air Conditioners on Shopzilla ... cuz it's frickin' hot now
Refresher: Today's Woot
Vector 17 Liter Travel Cooler & Warmer Console - $39.99
Why dedicate your life to staying up all night blogging about stupid-ass Woot? I can just imagine you sitting there every night at midnight...finger trembling on the refresh button as you frantically strive to get that uber-critical first post so that the thousands of worshiping wooters will descend to your blog with praise and hit-counts.
Get a job.
Hey!!! Jessie has a job, and an avocation, and lots of us appreciate her spending time on the latter!!
Keep blogging, Jessie!!! Thanks for all the info!!! (And have a great holiday!!!)
Happy fourth of July Jessie. Hopefully you won't blow your right ring finger off so that you can no longer hit the period key. We would mourn the excessive, ridiculous use of ellipses.
BTW, don't ever use the word avocation again anon#2. It makes you sound like a complete arse.
this is the real francis. but since some other francis is on here, i'm gonna switch my name to avoid confusion. anyways. anon#1 mentioned "staying up all night blogging", but if you took time to notice, jess has never taken more than 10 or 15 minutes to post a blog. goodness. why all that hate?
Hey, quit it guys... This is the REAL francis. These guys are all fakes. I love you always and forever Jessie. XOXO...XOXO...
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