Top Comparison Site Rankings: | ||
1. Shopzilla Listings... uno store | 2. Listings... une store | 3. Listings... ein store |
4. NexTag Listings... éna store | 5. Listings... unu store | 6. PriceGrabber Listings... um store |
The Online Reviews: | |
1. review... 2.5 stars... |
...italian... french... german... greek... romanian... portuguese... all the comparison engines only have this gaming controller at one store... not a lot to compare... but still useful... the amazon reviews don't convince much either... playstation 2 wheel games and xbox wheel games could be pretty fun though... like you're really in the action... i don't know for sure cuz i've never played on one of these, but it seems awesome... accept i don't see the beer can holder on this thing... if ever there were a place to drink and drive... this is it.
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL GUITAR HERO 2 Deals on Shopzilla ... cuz that's the only real game
Refresher: Today's Woot
Gamester Race Pac Racing Wheel w/Seat and Pedals - $29.99
anonymous #1 was back at it... i deleted... cuz it was just mean... if you want to repost in a more grown-up tone, i might leave your worthless comment up.
who are these rude anonymouses. and why do they think any of us care what they have to say?
i don't know... but the more i ignore them, the less they get it.... not sure what to do anymore... but i think visitors are used to them by now and have tuned them out.
Shut up you two.
hehe. Is that you, Hal? Who said that?
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