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1. some goodies... |
2. > eh... | A. Manufacturer Page |'s true... GPS devices dumb us down geographically... Just like spell check has made us soft grammatically, GPS devices allow us to forego using our own memory to learn routes and locations... same with cell phones and the memorization of phone numbers... i remember a day when i could list of a 10-digit phone number for at least 50 people, just off the top of my head... now we struggle to remember our own phone numbers half the time... it's where the world is headed... so lets jump on the bandwagaon today and get a nexstar gps... why not... nexstar gps reviews aren't great... but its cheap... DO IT!
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL Handheld/Portable GPS things UNDER $210 on Shopzilla ... cuz its good for the cheapskate in all of us
Refresher: Today's Woot
HacVision Cease & Desist 20GB GPS with 7" Touchscreen - $249.99
glad you made it to us tonite jess. thought we might miss you. 3 late nites in a row. lets try to handle that from now on huh? heh. anywho. keep up the niceness. love me that useful linkage.
hal says me love u Jessie...
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