Top Comparison Site Rankings: | ||
1. Shopzilla Listings... compare 2 | 2. Listings... compare 2 | 3. Listings... compare 6 |
4. NexTag Listings... compare | 5. Listings... compare 1 | 6. PriceGrabber Listings... compare 3 |
The Online Reviews: | ||
1. AMAZON... 4stars!... |
2. 6.7/10... got 'em | A. Manufacturer Page |
...everyone needs an MP3 player... this is true... this little guy just might do you right... refurbished, sure... but SanDisk sdmx1-1024 seems to have some bite... lots of mp3 reviewers on amazon... almost all good... comparison engines don't come close.... but they can serve as a good mp3 player buying guide... all in all... i'd bet you'd like this... if not... you'd at least like the crazy low price mp3 player... hard to beat... even if refurbed... i'll give you the thumbs up
THE More Useful Link O' The DayALL iPod Shuffles on Shopzilla ... cuz they hot and they come in all sorts of colors... including pink... anonymouse #2's faves
Refresher: Today's Woot
SanDisk 1GB MP3/WMA Player with FM Tuner and Voice Recorder - $25.99 (refurbished)
An ode to the poster named Hal-
I'm sure you're taken
But just wanted to say
I read your kind comments on Jessie's blog on so many days
You're so, so sweet
You're such a pal
I just wanted you to know
I heart you, Hal :)
An ode to JessieByrd-
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
This blog is ghey.
And you're a spammer who has never bought a thing on woot.
I<3U JessieByrd.
Anonymous + JessieByrd = Love.
Will you marry me?
you suck Mr. Anonymous #1
I say Anonymous #1 because I'm sure more Anonymous idiots will post too before the next Woot is offered. If this blog is so ghey why do you persist in commenting? Perhaps you are ghey. The first step in coming out is admitting it to yourself. It's okay now to admit you like the purple Teletubbie, Jerry Falwell has passed on.
what the heck? Hal's got game. Apparently.
as elton john once said... "caaaaan you feeeel the looove toniiiight!!!"... all soulful and heartfelt-like... hehe.
marcia, get a clue: ghey != gay.
Comparing homosexuals to jessiebyrd's spam blog would be rude and disrespectful to the fine gentlemen and ladies who "play for the other team."
no no. anonymous #3. you've got it mixed up. marcia's the good guy in this situation. or maybe you knew that and you were just being sarcastic. yeah, that's probably it. i'm leanning that way too.
Hal's got gheym. Sorry, had to.
wow. what's going on here today? ha.
You guys are ALL so GHEY!
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