Thursday, August 30, 2007

woot-off time

Found this super hot thingy while searchin' for some Best Week Ever videos on last woot off. and so I brought it back. You can just copy the title of the woot product, paste it into here (by "here" i mean the shopzilla box below), hit go (aka Go with flames), let it churn for a few seconds... bamboom. hehe.

Nevermind. That thing wasn't working out right today. So here's a basic search box. Use this one and enjoy. I KNOW this one works.


Anonymous said...

Woot off!!!!! FINALLY. Bring on the brigades of chocolatiers.

Anonymous said...

woot offs are sooo simple for you jess. It's no fair. I like it better when you have to work. heh.

Anonymous said...

Here's the real question. Do people really like woot offs? Everyone seems to get so excited, but I really get annoyed by them. Who really enjoys these woot offs???

Anonymous said...

Personally, I love the wootoffs. Half the stuff is complete crap, but there's always a few real real amazing deals. You just gotta stay up on it for 48 straight hours. that's eazy enough.

Anonymous said...

kya karu mein gadhe ?