... some times i wonder about woot... really... who wants some flash drive that they give away free when you blow over $50 on blackjack in vegas??... isn't that what this thing is?... i'm not even sure.. all i know is NO comparison sites or review sites have this 4gb flash drive... i have no clue what to say about it... instead, i've provided useful links to other 4gb usb memory card, and larger... there are tons of 4gb usb memory card thingies available for a reasonale price... even some from "known" manufacturers like sandisk or sony... so.. my suggestion... stay away from excalibur... the burden that comes with it is far to great for you to bear... go onto shopping.com or shopzilla or whatever and get a nice lexar secure digital card or a sandisk 8gb flash drive... excalibur is too much for you to handle, mere wooter.
THE More Useful Link O' The Day
ALL Pink or Red Memory Stick on Shopzilla
... cuz nerdie girlfriends need v-day gifts too... lots are under $15
Refresher: Today's Woot
Excalibur 4GB USB 2.0 Portable Drive - $24.99
- * 4 GB storage capacity
- * USB Flex connector (retracts and swivels)
- * USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (1.1 Compatible)
- * Drive RPM 4,400 480Mb/S (60MB/S) typical
- * 2 MB Data buffer
- * Access data anywhere
- * PC, Mac & Linux Compatible
- * Plug & Play via USB port
- * Backup Your Email
- * 2 Hours Of DVD Quality Video
- * 2.5 Days of MP3 Songs (approx. 1000)
- * 1000 4 Megapixel Pictures
- * 4,000 1MB Word Documents
- * Mentorship from a magical wizard who lives live in reverse... but you can't tell, cuz you live life forward... its weird.. very confusing.. but awesome.
more if nec.
first I thouhgt you were giving this woot 2/5 stars until I realized it was the date. Maybe rating the woot wouldn't be a bad idea though?
I agree. If you ask me, this woot gets a1.5/5, at best.
this woot is a micro-hard drive and not a flash drive
hmmm.... does that mean there's a difference?... cuz i don't know what you're saying... dumb blondes, you know... sorry for any confusion.
it's probably just an indian- or chinese- made, functional item. i'm sure it works fine - they probably get their components from korea or taiwan anyway, like everyone else..
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